Smarter Not Harder Business Owners Handbook


Enhance your business and self care skills. Position your company for sales, generate more revenue or start a new venture off right.

Receive easy-to-understand instruction and have ample space to keep business notes and information succinct, organized and well-detailed.

Get guidance on action items, develop an organized and effective foundation for your company, complete tasks imperative to forming a business, learn commonly missed critical documentation most entrepreneurs FAIL to establish, find out how to make your brand make more $$ by legitimizing or revamping your business administration and documentation.

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Did you know: The time it’s taking for things to shift in your life is calculated & scientific? Crazy but it’s literally mathematical! This is critical because it means you are exactly where you need to be - including having exposure tot this book so you can move into your next level.

Logarithm is the exact calculation of growth in a given scenario based on the initial development pattern & the universes timing.

So it’s proven: at the rate we go we are guaranteed to win - if we don’t stop.
Make a smart start on your next best moves with the handbook for business owners - SMARTER NOT HARDER.

BLACK GIRL ANTHEMS: Creative Writing Journal
The Journey Through a Thousand Lies
The Becoming A Better ME Self Care WORTHbook