Growth & Goals

The Becoming a Better Me 30-Day Course (Videos Only)

Learn and manage your comfort zones and kill zones, discover and affirm your truths; clean/keep sacred space; celebrate your treasure chest; and define what total wellness looks like for you. Focus on all of the amazing things about yourself, work towards calculated milestones and reinvigorate your self-care life. This is the course you need if you feel like you have the tools but lack the discipline to elevate your self care and/or spiritual life. This is the tool you need if you’ve tried many things but can never connect the dots of why you don’t follow through or stay consistent with everything all at once.

This is the place to spend some time working on yourself, if you know you’re a busy woman and you need to do better about caring for you, inside-out.

What’s included.

  • Space & Privacy

    Private/reserved digital seating, designated for women only. Be in the comfort and privacy of your own space but have the camaraderie of fellow boss-minded women through TAO, a women’s only group.

  • A Workable Plan.

    Start with a conversation with yourself and end with a plan to grow forward. The workbook is highly reflective to allow you to work through your own growth in private. It is also very guided to give you a system and sense of organization so you can flourish in your goals and your journey.

  • Effective Coaching

    The instructor guidance and question submissions afford ample opportunity to ask questions, seek specific guidance, Clarify course contents or ask how to incorporate other tools into your BABME experience.

  • A Head Start.

    Rise above the rest of the noise and get off of the cycle of being stagnant and unorganized. The workbook combined with the class will invigorate your personal process to get real results.

  • Leadership & Support.

    30-days of interactive personal development with close guidance from Coach Triece in a self paced environment.

  • Exclusive Access.

    Seat yourself with women who want to see you WIN. Get access to Coach Triece’s monthly women’s group TAO: The Alignment Oasis. Also, turn your dessert into a village that helps you grow, get priceless information and tools for networking, sisterhood, and self-development amongst groups.

“It’s always been about you.”

Now is the moment to show yourself the love and dedication you’ve given to the world. Achieve your high level goals, and become your next level self with this renewed commitment to personal growth and self care.


‘Growth & Goals’ 30-Day Course

The B.A.B.ME self care and personal development video course. This is a guided course to hold you accountable to your progress and to be intentional with a plan for your next level self.


BABME — It's Me for Me 2 Hour Masterclass